Introducing Myself, a movie introducing John Hoppin and Hoppin Hot Sauce, shot in the backyard in East San José.
JOHN: Hi, my name is John Hoppin,
and I created Hoppin Hot Sauce from a blend
of chilies, Meyer lemons, garlic,
and a distinctive set of spices.
I’ve worked in food all my life.
I put hot sauce on everything.
Grilled cheese, leftovers, you name it.
Gives it a certain tang that I prefer.
I have multiple sclerosis and that makes it difficult
to work in the kitchen environment.
It didn’t stop me from cooking, and I made Hoppin Hot Sauce
to share the taste of my table with yours.
It’s all natural, all good stuff inside.
For people who want their food to taste the best,
it’s Hoppin Hot Sauce.
Check it out online:
Featuring John Hoppin
Camera / edit My Media Designer